Would you like support from our coaches at Kläppen Race Academy? We are at your disposal.
Book one of our three training programmes for your club, group or district
- Training programme 1- a coach from KRA
Leaders/coaches from your club/district assist during training and observe the coaching (coach-the-coach)
Number of participants and price per person
10-14 persons 645 SEK
15-19 persons 445 SEK
20- persons 345 SEK - Training programme 2- two coaches from KRA
- Leaders/coaches from your club/district assist during training and observe the coaching (coach-the-coach)
Number of participants and price per person
15-19 persons 745 SEK
20-24 persons 645 SEK
25-29 persons 545 SEK
30- persons 445 SEK- Training programme 3- Hire a trainer for a small group
Price per trainer / day 6 250 SEK
For booking and information
Email: klappenraceacademy@klappen.se
Phone: +4673 644 66 03.